10 ways to enjoy yourself!
10 ways to enjoy yourself!
We love Burghley! And it’s not just because it’s close to our warehouse in Rutland and our easiest show logistics wise. The setting is utterly beautiful but don’t let that or the incredible shopping distract you from the fact that it’s an important international equestrian competition. One of only seven CCI 5* rated, (Concours Complet International), horse trials in the world, it’s where champions are made. With over 173,000 visitors over the four days, more than 600 carefully selected exhibitors, an average of 80 of the world’s top competitors and a prize fund of over £300,000, there’s never a dull moment at Burghley!

1. Plan ahead and treat yourself to a Burghley Hamper. Order beforehand
from Made in Oldstead, the official hamper supplier for Burghley Horse Trials. Made under the watchful eye of a Michelin starred chef, simply order a Classic/Vegetarian, and collect at Burghley. It’ll save you carrying food
around and all you’ll have to do is enjoy your day!

2. For even greater luxury, hire a Bell Tent in the Burghley Boutique, on-site accommodation situated in the walled garden, for the duration of the show. Complete with luxury showers and loos, a bar, pamper area and a complimentary breakfast, it’ll only set you back £1649 for two... You can even ride a golf buggy to and from the course - utter luxury. And you can stay with up to five dogs, how great is that?
3. If you feel that the dogs may get a bit bored whilst you're shopping, then simply plan ahead and book them into the Dog Crèche for a couple of hours. It’s open daily from 9-5 but booking is advisable (essential for Sunday afternoon). For further information, call Steve Penistone at Samsalin Dog Rescue on 07764 489 919 or email samsalindr@yahoo.com.
4. Whilst you’re shopping, make a beeline for our stand! We’re situated in the Country Living Pavilion and all our Drying Coats for wet dogs, Mitts for muddy paws and legs, dog Leads and Throws will be at special show prices. There are dog Drying Coats you can try on your dog, so you can be sure of the size too.

Head over to Ruff and Tumble Instagram and enter our Competition to win a pair of Ariat Skyline Solaris Waterproof Boots , a Ruff and Tumble Moss Country Collection Drying Coat with a corduroy trim, a Ruff and Tumble matching Moss Lead in clip/slip/slim/thick options and 2 x tickets and car pass to the Defender Burghley Horse Trials for Saturday 2 September.