Beat the January Blues

Beat the January Blues

Ways to Beat the January Blues with Your Dog by your Side.

Author: Anne Whitlock / Published: Jan-07-2020

January can be a bit of a downer after Christmas. We've over-indulged for two weeks solid and there's nothing to look forward to. But don’t despair because we know how you are feeling…

We’ve come up with some ideas to help you power through this horrid month, with your dog by your side.

Try something new...

Discover new walks in your area. Buy a small scale map with your house in the centre, with Ordnance Survey Personalised Maps. Mark all your favourite dog walks and add a bit of variety to your daily routine. Check out The Wildlife Trusts website to find new areas to explore locally - you can tick a box that selects dog friendly places.

Embrace the outdoors...

It's easy to shorten walks to the minimum in winter - it's cold, rainy and dark. But we know that fresh air, a view and a bit of wildlife works wonders. Add a little extra time to your walks for a week or two and see what a difference it makes - and if the dog gets muddy and wet, there's always your Drying Coat to help when you get home.

Dog Leads

Sold out

Exercise will energise...

If you're not into exercise, why not try exercising with your dog for a bit of moral support? Canicross is growing in popularity and you can learn more about it on the Kennel Club website here.

Book a holiday...

We all need something to look forward to so why not book a weekend break or a dog friendly holiday? Check out our hotel breaks blog here. We love Crabtree & Crabtree's dog friendly cottages in Northumberland here too!

Dog Drying Coats

Sold out

Plan little treats...


Whether it's a coffee in a fancy cafe with a friend, an eyebrow tint or a new Country Drying Coat for your dog in French Navy, (see above, obvs), spoil yourself a bit in Jan. Little things make big differences, so make a list and plan!

Embrace the outdoors...

It's well known that reading a book is more relaxing that looking at social media. Who wants to look at photos on Facebook of our friends on skiing holidays when we are stuck at home? Checkout Richard and Judy's recommendations here or The Independent's Top 15 Best Books of 2019 here. Snuggle up on a sofa, (covered by a Ruff and Tumble Sofa Throw, naturally), with a book on your lap, your dog by your side and chill.